Wednesday, March 23, 2011

response to cabinet color reading; color black

    For this reading I do not entirely agree with the author. The author noted the color black is  used to block something out . He mentions black exist " when no light is present" and stifles our true ability to see clearly. He mentions the color black comes up most in clothing  to show rebellion against the normal. I never did really pick up what the writer was trying to say but for me, when someone mentions  the color black, I relate it to fashion. Black seems to never go out of style. It standard in practically everyone's wardrobe and everyone's owns at least one black article of clothing. I see how the author relates black to rebellion since most artist wear it but it seems more like a crazy consequence than a silent protest against the norm. Black is that one color to that creates that overall edgy and fierce vibe to the clothing. It makes a statement without exhausting it hue or color values.  It's a color that provokes sophistication, class, mystery, and slickness all in one. This color is timeless and will ever go out of style.

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